“At DNI we are proud to have more than 20 years operating from our offices in Manzanillo.”
Currently, the port of Manzanillo is the most dynamic port in Mexico per square meter, in containerized and commercial cargo movement, being the number one port at national level and third place at Latin American level, continuing with a positive trend, in order to position itself as the number one port in Latin America.
According to Mexico’s National Customs Agency (ANAM), Manzanillo, Veracruz and Lázaro Cárdenas accounted for 71% of Mexico’s total maritime customs operations as of the third quarter of 2024. The port of Manzanillo expressed an annual increase of 9%.
It is not surprising that investment to expand port infrastructure for imports and exports at this busy trading hub is making headlines.
The development of the Nuevo Manzanillo Cuyutlán Port is an ambitious project that seeks to expand port capacities and strengthen logistics in the region, specializing in the handling of containers and hydrocarbons and consolidating the current activity at the San Pedrito Precinct with the movement of containerized cargo, agricultural and mineral bulk, general cargo, vehicles, perishable goods and cruise ships.
At DNI Logistics, we specialize in providing foreign trade solutions tailored to the requirements of each client and set of goods; that is why we celebrate the expansion of capabilities of the Port of Manzanillo.